Power Book II: Ghost episode 2 spoilers: ‘Exceeding Expectations’
The first thing that we should note within this piece is rather simple: The title. “Exceeding Expectations” may not say too much, but it does offer up at least a tiny hint at some of what the story is going to be for the immediate future. It could be a reference to Tariq’s progress in school as he inches ever closer to getting that inheritance. Or, it could be a reference to how he is doing better than Monet expected within the drug trade.
Want to get some more news on Power Book II: Ghost in video form? Then take a look at our latest thoughts at the bottom of this article! Once you check that out, subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube for some other news and then also view our show playlist. We will have further updates on the way.
One of the most important things to acknowledge at the moment is rather simple: Tariq is his father’s son. Even if he is the person who shot Ghost, he still learned something from him, let alone his mother’s teachings. He is in a perfect spot to be able to get into the game — he’s surrounded by students with no real concept of money, and also students with a high degree of interest in spending it. This, more than likely, is going to open the door for him to be able to do virtually whatever he wants in order to get the money.
Ultimately, though, the idea of Tariq smooth-sailing his way to funding his mom’s defense just feels like it’s going to be too good to be true. There are going to be bumps in the road and we gotta be prepared for them.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost
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