Lucifer season 5: How long could Michael stick around?


We know already that one of the biggest twists at the heart of Lucifer season 5 is the presence of Michael. All indications right now suggest that he is going to be the Big Bad, or at least something close to one.

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So what can we expect from him? Think deception, chaos, anger, and at least one good fight scene with the title character judging from the first trailer that is out there. Beyond that, though, we also have some other questions … including just how long the character may be around.

We can keep this guess fairly simple: Michael will probably be a big part of the entire first half of the season. There’s no real reason for the current promotion otherwise. You’ll get to see him take on Lucifer and some other characters, he’ll try to infiltrate this world, and we wouldn’t be surprised if his story gives way for the presence of God in the second half of the season. (It’s possible we could see Dennis Haysbert at some point in the first eight, but we doubt it will be right away.) Given that season 5 was intended to be the final season at first, it makes sense that God be involved in a planned endgame … and maybe Michael is the catalyst that brings him more into the fold.

Luckily, we don’t have to wait too much longer to see how the Michael plot plays out, but all early buzz we’re hearing indicates that Tom Ellis kills it getting to play two different roles. Let’s hope now that this satisfies all expectations that we’ve got.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Lucifer, including more insight when it comes to what lies ahead

What do you most want to see when it comes to Lucifer season 5?

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