The Bachelorette: The secrecy around Clare Crawley’s season


At the moment, we know that The Bachelorette is being filming in a secret, bubble-like environment in the Palm Springs area. We know some of the contestants that are a part of it … but there really isn’t that much else that is out there.

The ABC series is currently making moves out of necessity, and that means presenting us with the most contained batch of episodes that we’ve had a chance to see. Yet, with that being said, we’re also going to have what may very well be the most mysterious season of the show that we’ve seen. One of the things that we’ve come to know about the franchise over the years is that a lot of stuff gets out in advance. These seasons are spoiled by and large before they even premiere.

Yet, is that even possible this time around? Well, that’s one of the things about this upcoming season that is going to be the most interesting. There are going to be fewer ways to spoil anything in an environment so controlled. The cast doesn’t have access to their phones, the presence of onlookers is likely to be less, and who knows how many opportunities the hotel staff are going to have?

What this mystery could do is create a fun season where you really don’t know too much about individual dates or conflicts in advance … at least from direct sources. After the season films we’re sure that some stuff will come out, but it could all be hearsay with very little proof. That’s going to be fascinating when it comes to raising question marks about what to believe/not believe concerning the upcoming season.

As it turns out, this season of The Bachelorette could be unique in more ways than one. We’ll just have to see how it all plays out…

What do you want to see when it comes to Clare Crawley’s season of The Bachelorette?

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This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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