The Bachelorette: Is Clare Crawley set to begin filming?

Clare Crawley

As most of you out there likely know already, The Bachelorette is set to feature Clare Crawley. To go along with that, it’s also going to begin filming very soon. This is going to be one of the first major network productions to get back to work amidst the global health crisis, with it taking on a very particular form. Everyone will be quarantined within a specific environment (including the crew!), and there will be testing before production even kicks off. All of this is meant in order to ensure that everyone can be safe and focus on what matters.

While it does not seem as though filming is about to start tomorrow, clearly Clare is set to say goodbye to the real world (and perhaps enter quarantine). Her new post on Instagram certainly feels like the last one before the start of a season, no? She is ready for whatever this experience brings her and we’re excited to see just how things will play out here.

There are going to be a lot of lingering questions about how production will work and what this season will look like, but for now, we’re mostly curious to learn about how eager the contestants are to go through this experience and also whether or not this quarantined environment will prove to be more successful.

New episodes of The Bachelorette are currently slated to premiere this fall on ABC — note that things could always change, but if this environment does prove to be a stable one, we have a hard time thinking that the show won’t move forward.

What do you want to see when it comes to Clare Crawley as The Bachelorette?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember to stick around for some more information on the series. (Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.


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❤️Dear self- I want to thank you. You walked on so many difficult journeys these past few years. You fought battles- with those who love you, and with those whom you love. You were let down time and time again, but you didn’t let it shatter your faith in relationships, in love. You’ve had to prove your worth to those unworthy and you were broken – more than words can explain but you have been reborn. You found your true self and changed the meaning of your life – turning it into something beautiful, into something worth living! So, I want to say that I’m proud of you. I know how hard it has been. I cannot thank you enough for taking care of me. I promise that I will continue to take care of you too. Just keeping strong. For me. Keep going. Keep on fighting. You know you can do this. – Ruby Dahl

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