‘Hart of Dixie’ season 2, episode 7 review: Tainted love

“Hart of Dixie” can at times be a ridiculous show, but that is also why we love it: these are the sort of crazy antics that would constitute drama in a town like Bluebell, which, all things considered, really feels like the sort of town anyone would want to be a part of in some sort of idealized universe where everything is close by, and everyone seems to be marginally friendly … at least once you break down their walls.

What made this episode Tuesday night entertaining was simply the prospect of innocent love, and how this somehow is a motivating factor to get someone to perform at a high school football game. Zoe was more or less forced to go out with a 15-year old kicker who developed a crush on her, mostly because dumping him would cause him to play terribly. This situation was made all the worse based on the fact that Rose had feelings for the kicker, and she had to find a way to play matchmaker while at the same time not hurting the kid too badly herself. Thankfully, a pep talk of her own managed to turn the kid’s views around, and Rose could still end up getting the guy in the end.

As for the rest of this episode, the stories were entertaining, especially a feud between Lemon and Annabeth over whether or not the two should start a catering business. At first, they were competing together; but then, George Tucker found a way to magically bring them together. As for Lavon, he came to the realization courtesy of Ruby’s grandfather that he was not angry at him simply because he wanted he broke her heart so many years ago. Instead, his behavior was really in part thanks to the fact that he did not want Ruby in town, since her dreams were so much bigger than that.

What did you think about this episode as a whole?

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