Power Book II: Ghost showrunner on upcoming filming changes
Yet, it’s not as though the producers are sitting by and just waiting to see what they can do when the show comes back. Instead, they are working to think up some sort of creative solution to whatever they want to do next. Not every season as originally written is going to be able to stay the same; there will be changes that require a significant amount of creativity, and that’s without even thinking about all of the various health regulations that are going to be in place.
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In speaking to The Hollywood Reporter as a part of a larger roundtable, here is what creator/showrunner Courtney Kemp had to say about
We have a show, Ghost, which is the first spinoff of Power, and the main character is a basketball player. We were going to shoot him playing basketball in the college arena. Guess what’s not happening? We shot a lot of frat parties season one, guess what we’re not shooting? So, you look at crowd scenes, you look at what you can shoot smaller, you look at not having as much recurring cast, which will have to travel from place to place. But for me, personally, it’s about having the conversations with the studio: “You guys are going to have to spend more money to get the same thing. And I know that’s terrible and I know that’s your worst nightmare, but the truth is, if I can only have my lighters light and I can’t have the cameramen on the site working on the cameras while these people are lighting, and no one can rig and no one can fix this piece of the set because everyone has to work in shifts. That is going to take a lot of my day.”
Financial challenges are a new reality, and the same goes for limitations in production. Maybe there will eventually be larger crowd scenes and more recurring players again, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards for the immediate future. Hopefully, we’ll just have a chance to see filming start at some point later this year.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What do you most want to see on Power Book II: Ghost?
When do you think that you’ll actually have a chance to see it? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some other news on the show. (Photo: Starz.)