Lucifer season 5: Should Netflix announce two big things at once?


At the moment, almost everything when it comes to Lucifer on Netflix seems to be in some sort of holding pattern. We’re not sure as of yet when the series is going to be back with another batch of episodes — yet, all signs seem to suggest that it’s going to be coming soon!

Beyond just that, we also are in a waiting game for there to be a season 6 renewal announced. Everything seems to be in motion for it already. The showrunners, Tom Ellis, and others already have deals to come back for at least one more batch of episodes. With that, it could just be crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s before the announcement is made.

Want some more Lucifer updates in video form? Then be sure to watch our latest breakdown on what could be coming below! After you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our full show playlist. We’ll have other news coming that you don’t want to miss.

At the moment now, what we’re starting to wonder is simply this: Is there a chance that both the premiere date for season 5 and the announcement for season 6 are made at the same time? There’s a case to be made for a couple of different reasons.

1. Netflix realizes that fans have been waiting forever already – It’s been more than a year since season 4 was released, and we haven’t even seen a full trailer yet for what is coming up. There may be a recognition that this will help to tide us over at least for a little while.

2. They know there is still some waiting to go until season 5 comes out – Think of these announcements as a reward to tide us over. We can’t see the new season coming on until July, and that’s just for the first eight episodes! At this point, we’ll just be happy to get the second half of the season in early 2021, especially since it’s technically not even done with filming.

Let’s hope for some good news over the next couple of weeks … but we’ve been patient for over a year now. We’re fine waiting until the time is ultimately right.

Related News Be sure to get some more information all about Lucifer now…

What do you most want to see when it comes to Lucifer season 5?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember here to stick around in the event you’re craving further insight when it comes to the series. (Photo: Netflix.)

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