I Know This Much is True episode 5: What’s ahead for Mark Ruffalo, cast
Yet, it’s got Mark Ruffalo playing two different roles! It’s the sort of fantastic acting showcase that you love to see on a network like this. The viewership may be lower than some other shows on the premium cable network over time, but that doesn’t speak to what you get here! If you haven’t checked out the show yet, there’s absolutely time to catch up before episode 5 airs next week. Because this is a limited series, you don’t have to worry about making some long-term investment in a series that may or may not an extended period of time.
For now, what we can do is this: Give you the full I Know This Much is True episode 5 synopsis with additional updates all about what’s coming:
Upon learning the details of his Sicilian grandfather’s arrival in the early 1900s to Three Rivers, Dominick becomes convinced his family is cursed; a startling update on Thomas from an unlikely source prompts Dominick to take drastic action.
We’re hoping that by the end of this episode, we’ll have the stage set for a pretty stellar conclusion. Like we said, there isn’t that much more of the journey to still go on here. Eventually, HBO is going to be launching Perry Mason in this spot. Before that, though, Dominick’s story is going to take some surprising twists. There will be big moments that spawn out and unravel through the rest of the story.
Related News – Be sure to get some further news about I Know This Much is True right now
What do you want to see when it comes to I Know This Much is True episode 5?
How will all of this unfold in your mind? Be sure to share right now in the comments. Also, remember to stick around for some other news. (Photo: HBO.)