Supergirl season 6: Should there be a new Big Bad?


As we prepare for Supergirl season 6 in 2021, there are all sorts of different things worth wondering about. For us, though, we want to put the focus on villains for a moment.

Every good hero needs a villain, and that’s why some of the best arcs on the CW series are the ones where Kara Danvers has faced off against fascinating, formidable opponents. While the Reign storyline went off the rails near the end, in the early going it was one of the most exciting battles we’ve seen on the show. In season 4, meanwhile, Lex Luthor had some great moments, but you can make the argument that the character’s been around longer than anyone expected. Leviathan in general was a disappointment.

For season 6, the biggest argument that we would make is that in order for Supergirl to better find itself and also its future, it needs to find a stronger villain. It has struggled for the entirety of its run of having a Big Bad who feels like a physical and emotional threat to our heroes, and now is a way to try to make that happen.

The first order of business is for Kara to face off against someone powerful — there has to be a reason why she can’t fly over and defeat them almost immediately. Meanwhile, they need to be a threat to all of National City at large. Have them be someone who is methodical, deadly, and maybe even mysterious. They can’t just be so overt that it’s weird that they aren’t throttled right away. Characters other than Supergirl should be able to find a way to take them on, as well, even if they can’t defeat them alone.

Should the Big Bag be beholden to the comic books? We don’t necessarily think so. If the writers have an idea for a villain who incredible but also original go for it — The Flash had a totally-new villain in Sunshine on the show this season and Legends of Tomorrow has long been doing its own thing. The most important thing is that they find a single character who can be a unique threat to Supergirl, and that the stakes of their battle can last for most of a given season.

Related News Be sure to get some more information when it comes to Supergirl right now!

What sort of Big Bad do you want to see on Supergirl season 6?

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