Station 19 season 4 spoilers: Jaina Lee Ortiz on Andy, Sullivan’s future
So where will the future go for these characters? At the moment, Jaina Lee Ortiz knows that the cards are stacked against them — but, we do think there’s still love there and an opportunity to explore a lot of stuff. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, here is some of what the series star had to say:
It’s really hard to say what will happen to them because everything was so rushed. I think Andy married Sullivan more for her dad than for herself. I know that she’s definitely in love with him, but I also think she was feeling lost when it all happened. Her dad died knowing that she found love. But getting married for someone else doesn’t create a solid foundation for the relationship. They haven’t had the time to really get to know each other and grow together as a couple. Plus, you throw in his drug addiction issues, his surgery, and Andy dealing with her grief and where does that leave us? I hope that they last and I hope that they have babies so they can grow up in the firehouse. Life is messy and because it’s messy it makes it beautiful.
We definitely don’t think that these two characters are over and done with, but we do think that there are going to be a lot of significant stumbling blocks when it comes to the future. It may even include the two splitting up. Yet, we don’t think we need to see new love interests for either one of them moving forward — this story is the most interesting with the two of them at the center. It is messy, but there is still a lot of hope left.
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