NCIS: Los Angeles season 12: LL Cool J, Chris O’Donnell close to deals

NCIS: Los Angeles

If you were worried about the status of a couple of leads leading into NCIS: Los Angeles, don’t be.

According to a new report from Deadline, longtime stars Chris O’Donnell and LL Cool J are both close to new deals that will cement them once more as the stars of this show. This goes along with good news when it comes to Mark Harmon on NCIS proper and then also Scott Bakula over on NCIS: New Orleans. It makes sense for all of these shows to keep their leads around, and hopefully it sets the tone for a lot of other actors returning as well.

We know that when it comes to NCIS: Los Angeles in general, there’s long been a sense of uncertainty about some of the main cast members — and we understand why. We’ve got periods of time this season without Barrett Foa, Renee Felice Smith, and Linda Hunt. Even Eric Christian Olsen has been MIA here and there! Luckily, we haven’t heard any reports confirming that some of these actors will be gone, and we wouldn’t assume anything. It sounds like Smith’s exit was meant to accommodate some other things that she wanted to work on, and there have already been reports out there about the show wanting to use Hunt more as Hetty next season.

Ultimately, we see NCIS: Los Angeles as one of those shows that could go on for however long the leads want it to. We know that the ratings haven’t been what they once were as of late, but it’s been on the past two seasons after a show in God Friended Me that struggled at times to have a stable audience. With a stronger lead-in, we could see it improve further. Let’s just hope that there is a chance for it to return this fall — amidst this current health crisis, there is a great deal of uncertainty.

What do you want to see from LL Cool J and Chris O’Donnell moving into NCIS: Los Angeles season 12?

Be sure to share in the comments below! Once there’s more news to report on with the future of the show, we’ll have it for you here. (Photo: CBS.)

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