CBS still hoping for Big Brother 22, Love Island USA season 2 … eventually

Big Brother 21

We know that there are a lot of people out there hoping to see Big Brother 22 and Love Island USA season 2 on the air this summer. The good news is that neither one of them is officially canceled, and CBS seems to be standing by that despite the current health crisis that is dramatically altering the entire way of life all over the world.

According to a new report from Entertainment Weekly, CBS is still planning to move forward with both shows “when the time is right” — the second season of Love Island has been delayed (it was meant to start later this month), so we’ll have to wait and see what happens there. We have a hard time imagining that there will be any cross-country travel if it happens.

For some more video coverage on Big Brother and the show’s future, remember to check out the latest below! After you check that out, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and stick around for more news.

As for the future of Big Brother, we think that there are a lot of variables that CBS could look at here. If they push back the show’s premiere until July, what that means is that there could be more time for things to improve in California. That could also mean a chance for more testing and make sure that everyone enters the house healthy. Another idea could be waiting until later in the summer and carry the show through into the fall. This could help CBS ensure that they still have some new programming if some of their scripted shows are delayed.

We think that for Big Brother in general, CBS knows how valuable the franchise is and they would love to bring it back. Yet, they won’t do it at the expense of anyone’s health. It’s best to just take a wait-and-see approach. Both of these shows have a chance of moving forward easier than Survivor, which requires a tropical location and logistically is far more challenging to put on, especially in this era.

Do you think that we will see Big Brother 22 and Love Island USA season 2 this summer?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember to stick around for some other news when it comes to the show. (Photo: CBS.)

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