NCIS: Los Angeles season 11 finale first half of two-part arc

NCIS: Los Angeles

The NCIS: Los Angeles season 11 finale is set to air on CBS tomorrow, so go ahead and consider this article your source for a little bit more information — and important intel to know in advance.

After all, we know have a pretty clear sense that this installment will be ending with some sort of cliffhanger. Why? Even though “Code of Conduct” wasn’t written to be the season finale, it was written to be the first half of a two-partner. That means, quite serendipitously, that the second part of this could function as the season 12 premiere. This also makes us more confident than ever that we will end up seeing another season — would CBS end a show with this sort of run with an enormous cliffhanger? Even though the end of Hawaii Five-0 felt like a little abrupt, it still had an ending that functioned as a series finale.

For some more NCIS: Los Angeles video insight right now, be sure to view our take on what is to come below! Once you do check that out, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our show playlist.

The news of this two-parter was first confirmed to TV Guide, with executive producer Frank Military noting further that this is a story that will throw Sam Hanna into one of the most difficult situations of his life:

“How long do men stay loyal to other men? That’s the question … We’re putting Sam right in the heart of that.”

We’ve seen in the promos already that LL Cool J’s character could be at risk of getting shot. We know that he’s not traveling overseas alone, but just because he has some backup doesn’t necessarily mean that they will be able to help him in every given situation. You have to prepare for some crises and unexpected twists in this episode. If those weren’t there, we would suddenly question if NCIS: Los Angeles was really the same show that we’ve come to know and love.

Related News See a new sneak peek now featuring Catherine Bell!

What do you want to see unfold on the NCIS: Los Angeles season 11 finale?

Be sure to let us know some of your thoughts below! Meanwhile, remember to then also stick around to get some other news related to the series. (Photo: CBS.)

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