Manifest season 2 finale: Will Zeke live or die? The high stakes


In just a matter of a couple short days, the Manifest season 2 finale is going to be here and through that, you better believe that there will be danger …  enormous danger. Cal’s been captured, Saanvi may be forced to make a deal with the Major, and the life of Zeke is on the line.

When it comes to this character, the writers find themselves in a tricky spot — you want to see him survive just because of the affection that we’ve got for the character, but at the same time, is that the thing that would take away the stakes of the death days? There’s an interesting case both for and against the character’s survival when it comes to the larger picture of the show.

For some more news on Manifest in video form, be sure to check out some of the latest speculation below! After you do, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our playlist for other updates.

The case for Zeke living – The simplest thing to say here is that we like Zeke. We don’t want him to go anywhere on the basis of that. We want him and Michaela to have a happy future. Yet, we also recognize that there may not be that much of a choice depending on where the chips fall. If you keep him alive, there is a risk that you take away the drama of the death days since it will allow Ben and the other passengers to realize that there is a way out.

Is there a way to correct that? Sure. Maybe in keeping Zeke alive it dooms the passengers further, or maybe him escaping his death is just a one-time thing. Or, maybe it sets off a ripple effect that leads to other intended consequences. The important thing for  Manifest is that no matter what, they find a way to keep the drama moving forward.

The case for Zeke dying – We don’t want it, but it’s rather simple: It will make Ben and the other passengers realize further just how hard ti is to escape this fate. If they couldn’t save Zeke, what does it mean for everyone else?

Our hope is that if Zeke does go, it’s in a way that leads to the greather good. It could come with him realizing that if he is going to go, he wants to go for a reason — and that he’s ready to embrace and accept it heroically.

Luckily, we’re going to find out more very soon. If you want to read some more discussion on the subject, be sure to click here.

Do you think that Zeke is going to survive the Manifest season 2 finale?

Be sure to share in the comments below! Also, remember to stick around in the event you want some other news on the series. (Photo: NBC.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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