Shark Tank preview: Safety Nailer, Bohana, Boho, & GroupHug
We’re going to spotlight all of the individual products within this article — before we do, though, be sure to check out the synopsis (if you haven’t already):
Friends from Tempe and Phoenix, Arizona, introduce the Sharks to the future with their stylish and affordable mobile real estate concept. An immigrant from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, now based in Boston, Massachusetts, showcases what she thinks is the ideal alternative snack to popcorn—a tasty treat with Indian roots. An entrepreneur from New York City has a sustainable, portable solution to powering small tech devices. Finally, an entrepreneur from Virginia Beach, Virginia, shows he has more than a few tricks up his sleeve as he pitches a new way to ensure safety while using tools.
Now, let’s dive in a little further…
Bohana – What is this company? Well, they produce popped water lily seeds for consumption — it’s a snack product that has some health benefits and also one that comes in unique flavors. There’s a real push here for authenticity and sustainability with what is grown in India.
Boho – What this company brings to the table is something that we’ve heard a lot about, but never in consumer form — vans designed for long travel or even full-time level. They’re customized with sleeping amenities and also ways to cook, clean, and take care of all the basic essentials. They can either be rented or purchased outright, depending on individual need.
GroupHug – We mentioned sustainability a little bit earlier, and that is core to a lot of what GroupHug is trying to do as a company. They seem to be all about providing a reasonable solution to people or businesses who want quality solar energy using a small panel — and they’ll even make one custom to your design specifications!
Safety Nailer – This feels like one of those products that is super-simple, but effective, easy to explain, and could sell in big numbers. It feels perfect for the Tank. This is a device that helps to keep nails in place so that you can hammer them in effectively — while also not accidentally nailing your hand. It’s probably the most self-explanatory title for a product ever.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news now when it comes to the next Shark Tank episode
What do you want to see happen on tonight’s new Shark Tank episode?
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This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.