Is Doctor Who new tonight? The path to the BBC series’ future
The bad news at the moment is rather clear: There is no new episode of the show on the air tonight, with the simplest reason for it being that last week marked the finale. This was a game-changing episode for sure, one that contained a lot of enormous surprises including some game-changing twists when it comes to the origin of The Doctor as a character. (Finale spoiler alert.) We’ve learned already that The Doctor is not actually from Gallifrey, but is instead the Timeless Chill. She is an entity without a clearly-defined home, one that the people of that planet took advantage of in order to create some of their own Time Lords.
For some more news on Doctor Who in video form, be sure to watch some of the latest at the bottom of this article! Once you do check that out, remember to also subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our full Doctor Who playlist. We’ll have more updates coming that you don’t want to miss.
Is there a lot to work out here? Absolutely, but there are some other different struggles that The Doctor has to take on here, as well. Take, for example, the fact that they are now prisoner of the Judoon due to the cliffhanger that transpired at the end of the season.
So what’s next for the series? Remember that there is a new special announced for either New Year’s Day or Christmas Day, and it is one that will feature the first appearance of the Daleks in a good couple of years. That episode could also prove to be the exit storyline for Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole, who are both rumored to be exiting the series sooner rather than later. It’ll be a shame to see them go, but it is a part of the revolving-door nature of this series as a whole.
Related News – Be sure to get some more information right now when it comes to Doctor Who
What do you want to see on Doctor Who moving forward?
Are you sad that the series isn’t on the air tonight? Be sure to share right now in the comments below! Meanwhile, remember to stick around in the event you want some other news. (Photo: BBC.)