Station 19 season 3 spoilers: First photo from Grey’s Anatomy crossover
So why are things happening this way? For starters, it just makes sense to go to the hospital after the first responders do what they do — and all of this will be apparent within the first episode back. If you recall, the end of the Grey’s Anatomy fall finale featured some of our favorite characters in the midst of a crisis at Joe’s Bar. The car colliding into the institution is the sort of thing that would cause a LOT of chaos, and now it’s going to be up to characters like Ben and Dr. Schmidt to save the day. That’s where you see them in the photo below (via TVLine).
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What makes this situation more challenging for them both is where they are emotionally at the time. Think about it in this sort of way — Ben is dealing with Bailey’s miscarriage and everything that comes with that. It’s hard to really separate where he is right now, after all, from what he’s gone through. It would be hard for anyone in this position! Schmidt’s position isn’t as devastating, but it is still tough — he’s been labeled a traitor at work and is ostracized over what he felt was the right thing with the insurance-fraud scandal last season. This episode will be a foundation for these characters in the new year, and in the Station 19 part we’ll also get some updates on everyone else, as well.
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What do you want to see the most when it comes to Station 19 season 3?
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