‘Dexter’ season 7 spoilers: More on Quinn and Nadia (video)
Whoever thought that the moral compass on “Dexter” would be a stripper? As surprising as it may be, this is sure what the latest sneak peek for Sunday night’s new episode certainly makes us wonder.
In the clip, we see the focus placed on a relationship that has to this point been a bit of a rehash for the show considering his history: Quinn and his new love interest Nadia. What is a little bit different about what Desmond Harrington’s character has gotten himself into this time, though, is that she is actually the one seemingly trying to get him to go down a good path. After learning that George put $10,000 in his car as a way to buy him off, she quickly goes upset over the thought of what sort of favor the manager of club is going to ask for. After stressing to Quinn that he needs to return the money, he admits that he is not sure as to just what he wants to do.
Considering some of what he has been up to over the years, there are times that we are continually surprised that Quinn still has a job … and this is one of them. Is he a good cop when it comes to investigating? Sure, but he also happens to be a cop who has no problem tbeing swayed if the right thing ends up coming in his direction. This is why we have a hard time believing that this guy is ever really going to stay happy, or have a relationship that lasts longer than what he had with Deb unless he manages to really turn himself around.
Are you enjoying the Quinn storyline this year, or is this too much of a distraction from the Deb / Dexter goodness to really hold your attention?