Is Wendell Pierce leaving Jack Ryan following events of season 2 finale?


Is Wendell Pierce leaving Jack Ryan following the events of the season 2 finale? At the moment, it’s a fair question to think about…

Near the end of season 2, Pierce’s character Greer makes an important decision — he may not be cut out for the life of a field agent anymore. He’s older, he has a heart condition, and this could be the time for him to start thinking a little bit more about his future. That’s why he seems to be okay with just letting things go at this point.

For some more video discussion about Jack Ryan season 2 overall, be sure to check out some of the latest below! Once you watch that, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news and then also come back soon for more updates.

Yet, is he really going to be okay with that? If you find yourselves posting that question, rest assured that we understand. This is one of those situations that could change easily and we could see Greer coming back out for something more after some rest and recovery. For now, there isn’t anything too confirmed one way or another.

We know that we’d love to continue to have Pierce involved on Jack Ryan given that Greer is one of the best in the business. In a lot of ways, he is the ultimate company man, the guy who’s going to do everything that he can to go out and fight for the agencies he believes in — plus the idea of freedom. He’ll break the rules here or there, sure, but it is typically in service of some sort of overarching greater good. We don’t tend to think that there is anything more involved here than simply that. He just wants to make the world a little bit safer.

Given that we at least know that there is a Jack Ryan season 3 coming onto Amazon at some point in the future, we at least don’t have to worry about the future for the show.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Jack Ryan, including some episode reviews for throughout season 2

What do you think the future for Wendell Pierce is going to be on Jack Ryan?

Be sure to share right now in the comments below, and remember here to also stick around — once there is more to report on the subject, we’ll be sure to have it for you here. (Photo: Amazon.)

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