American Horror Story: 1984 episode 8 promo: Is Brooke the ‘final girl’?

American Horror Story: 1984

What lies ahead now on American Horror Story: 1984 episode 8? As we approach the end of the road this season, we can only assume that we’ll see some of these characters basking and dealing with more conflict than ever.

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For some evidence of that very thing, you don’t have to look any further than the promo below. This makes it clear that a lot of the hype moving forward is going to center around the big, musical event that is the concert at Camp Redwood. Yet, we know that this camp is mostly the backdrop for what be only described as one thing above all else: A ghostly smackdown for the ages.

Mr. Jingles is now dead. Yet, he seemed to die mostly for the purposes of taking Satan down. He died so that others, most notably his son, could live. Crazy as it may seem, he may have one of the purest souls of almost anyone on the show at this point. Sure, Brooke may be the prototypical “final girl” — the survivor and the one who has a chance to live to tell the tale — but she’s also been changed dramatically over the past few episodes and the years behind bars. She is now someone who does want more vengeance and isn’t afraid to do some unspeakably violent things. She just better hope that her decision to not kill off someone like Bruce doesn’t come back to haunt her…

Judging from this promo, we’re going to have all sorts of violent showdowns — not only that, but some music and still a little bit of biting humor. While we know that Margaret does have a thing for killing people, that is apparently not going to stop her from wanting to put on this concert … at least at first.

Related News Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to American Horror Story

What do you want to see when it comes to American Horror Story: 1984 episode 8?

Who do you think will make it through the series? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and remember to stick around to get some other news. (Photo: FX.)

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