Chicago Med season 5 episode 7 spoilers: A new relationship forms!
Below, CarterMatt offers up the official Chicago Med season 5 episode 7 synopsis with some more news as to what’s coming up next:
11/06/2019 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : Dr. Charles and Dr. Halstead sink their teeth into a bloodthirsty case. Dr. Marcel and Maggie throw a traditional crawfish boil for the staff. A new relationship blossoms while another is left on rocky ground. TV-14
We gotta admit that we’re intrigued about seeing the Chicago Med version of a crawfish boil. After all, this is the sort of thing that does showcase Marcel’s culture a little bit — also, we love Cajun cooking. It feels almost akin to something that we would see in an episode of Chicago Fire as opposed to this show.
Also, one other question — we are we not getting the “bloodthirsty” case until after we’re past Halloween? If there was ever a time to do something like this, it would be tonight’s new episode. (Granted, bloodthirsty can mean a number of different things — we just can’t help but to spin it in a very specific way, given the fact that we’re just in that mindset. As a matter of fact, maybe getting a little close to going full werewolf and howling at the moon.
Now that we’ve mentioned all of this, this is where we also worry about a relationship that is in trouble. Consider this yet another reminder that, more often than not, Chicago Med is just not the sort of show that leads to us having nice things.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Chicago Med, including other news all about what’s coming
What do you want to see on Chicago Med season 5 episode 7?
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