American Horror Story: 1984 ratings rise for 100th episode

American Horror Story: 1984

The latest American Horror Story: 1984 ratings are in, and we can’t say that we’re shocked. As it turns out, there are a lot of people who were eager to check out the 100th episode! As for whether or not they were happy with the end result, that’s a totally different story.

Let’s just put things this way — we enjoyed Wednesday night’s new episode within the context of 1984 as a season — it furthered along the story quite nicely and it painted a good window for where these characters were following the Camp Redwood crisis. Yet, it may have felt like a letdown for those of you who were hoping for something more in terms of a celebration. There were a few small references to past seasons and stories, but we’re not going to sit here and pretend as though there were all sorts of huge, earth-shattering reveals. This was an episode all about expectations, and we do think that FX sort of screwed up by painting with the wrong metaphorical brush leading into the episode airing.

For some other American Horror Story video discussion, be sure to check out some more thoughts regarding the 101st episode below! Once you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news and then also view our full American Horror Story playlist.

Overall, this past episode ended up generating as a whole a 0.6 rating and around 1.35 million viewers, which are nice increases from the week prior. They aren’t at the same level as the premiere, but remember that this is a franchise that does have a tendency to drop in the numbers as it goes along. Because of this, any sort of ratings stabilization or increase is wonderful and worth celebrating.

Given that there are only a few episodes left this season, there’s a chance that American Horror Story: 1984 may be able to carry forward its audience for the rest of the year. For the time being, that is at least the hope … we’ll just have to see if the story proves to be worth all of the hype and buildup. After all, not all of them are.

Related News Be sure to get some more information on American Horror Story right now!

What do you think about the latest American Horror Story: 1984 ratings?

Be sure to share right now in the comments, and remember to stick around for some other news. (Photo: FX.)

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