American Horror Story: 1984 episode 6 spoilers: The 100th episode!
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Because of this show’s anthology-based structured, we don’t know if this episode can be thought of as a celebration of the entire series. We don’t know if this is a place where you are going to see cameos from past seasons and characters … but there’s no need for that. American Horror Story as a franchise is in the midst of one of its better seasons for some time and we’ve got all sorts of questions as to where things are going to go from here. Take, for example, how the few survivors of Camp Redwood cope with what happened. It’s been such a strange, unpredictable journey, but one that has been stuffed with some rather exciting twists along the way.
Below, CarterMatt has the full American Horror Story: 1984 episode 6 synopsis with some more news all about what’s coming up:
With the horrors of the night behind them, the survivors deal with the fallout of their choices.
What we know right now is rather simple: These characters are in some sort of purgatory, or at least the ones who are still at Camp Redwood. What happens to the undead there? Meanwhile, what happens to some of the survivors like Brooke? She’s one of the few with a story still to tell, but there’s no guarantee that she is going to able to tell this story.
Margaret, in the end, is clearly now the Big Bad — we think that eventually, her temptation to go back and kill will get the best of her. You’ll see some chaos happen all over again, most likely.
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What do you think is coming on American Horror Story: 1984 episode 6?
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