The Flash (Barry & Iris) vs. Grey’s Anatomy (Meredith & DeLuca) – ‘Shiptober poll
Within this article, we’re talking about comic-book heroes in Barry of Iris in The Flash versus doctor heroes in Meredith & DeLuca in Grey’s Anatomy. These are two popular shows and two popular ‘ships, and we know that despite them each being fairly stable, enthusiasm for each is hardly waning. Which one will advance?
Voting Rules – Voting will be underway in the poll below from now until Monday, October 14 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time. Vote however often you’d like! (For more voting instructions or technical questions, check out the bottom of this article for answers.)
Be sure that you subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube — there are frequent video discussions there for many of the shows discussed in this tournament!
Barry & Iris, The Flash (#2 seed) – Is there a relationship with the sort of stakes that this one has at the moment? Just think about where we are now entering season 6 — WestAllen are doing everything that they can to stay loving and supporting amidst a crisis like no other. They’re also mourning the loss of someone in Nora who will no longer exist — at least in the way that she did. There’s a lot of darkness entering the new season, but let’s not forget here that they are one of the most loving, inspirational couples on TV — and a nice reminder that you can write conflict for a couple without a “will they or won’t they?” attached.
Meredith & DeLuca, Grey’s Anatomy (#7 seed) – While Grey’s Anatomy is easily the one of these shows with a longer run, at the same time MerLuca is a relatively new ‘ship when compared to WestAllen. It started to rev up with a moment at the end of season 14, and since that time it’s grown to become something that is stable, romantic, and a source of happiness for Meredith. While there are some stakes here (Andrew tried to take the fall for Meredith!), there is something just comforting about watching the two together. At this point, Meredith deserves this.
Now, it’s your turn
Who do you want to see advance to the tournament? Be sure to vote below!
I can’t see the poll; what do I do? – If you are on mobile, scroll to the bottom of the page and click to view the non-AMP version. If that does not work, give the poll a moment to load! On some mobile browsers, it may take a moment.
How can I vote more than once? – If you are having trouble casting multiple votes, try switching your browser, your device, or visiting the page under private browsing or incognito mode. There should be many handy guides online explaining how to do so if interested.
This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter now!