Shark Tank premiere: Blueland, TaDah, The Baby Toon, and Minus Cal

Shark TankThe Shark Tank premiere is right around the corner — and that means tonight, seeing The Baby Toon, Blueland, Minus Cal, and TaDah! These four products are all arriving in the Tank hoping to impress the Sharks and over the course of the episode, we’ll have a chance to see some deals, emotional stories, and also difficult negotiations.

Sure, this is Shark Tank entering season 11, but we don’t think that the ABC series is planning to revolutionize anything. There may be more guest sharks now, but the format of the series remains the same.

For some more news, be sure to check out the full Shark Tank premiere synopsis that CarterMatt has for you below:

Entrepreneurs from New York City pitch their eco-friendly cleaning supply company which helps reduce plastic waste, while entrepreneurs from Nashville, Tennessee, introduce a science-based snack bar that blocks the absorption of fat when you eat it. An impressive 10-year old “kidprenuer” and her a mom from Honolulu, Hawaii, pitch her safe and fun baby spoon design that eliminates the long sharp design of a traditional spoon. And an entrepreneur from Alexandria, Virginia, presents his frozen food brand that delivers authentic, plant-based East Mediterranean cuisine while also helping with social change.

The Sharks in this episode are Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec and guest Shark Dan Lubetzky.

Want more information about the specific products? Then check out what we’ve got below.

The Baby Toon – This is a baby spoon that is designed to be comfortable, fun, and free of any sharp edges or problems. There have been a ton of baby-related products in Shark Tank over the years, but the truth remains that people will always spend money on their babies. That’s why it is a perpetually-viable market.

Blueland – This is designed in order to revolutionize the cleaning-product space once and for all, and there are some rather unique ways in which it’s going about it. Instead of having to buy a new bottle every time that you need more product, you use the bottle already given to you and new tablets. It’s an environmentally-friendly way to also use a chemical-free cleaner which is something that many of us are looking for.

Minus Cal – Introducing another potential twist to what is the ever-growing field of snack bars. The twist here is that they are designed to help block fat while you eat them. Since people are always looking for ways to curb hunger while staying healthy, this could be it!

TaDah – Here you have yet another innovation in the food space, with this one being based mostly on Mediterranean fare. It’s all about being able to have a quick, healthy meal that expands your flavor palette. Food products have an uneven history in the Tank, so there are no guarantees that this will end up getting a deal.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Shark Tank

What do you want to see on the Shark Tank premiere? Do any of these products catch your eye? Be sure to share now in the comments. (Photo: ABC.)

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