Ink Master season 12 episode 12 review: The final six revealed

Ink Master

Tonight, Ink Master season 12 episode 12 on Paramount Network found itself dealing with what has to be one of the most interesting themes of the season — marketability. You can argue that it’s one of the more realistic themes the judges throw at these artists, but also the most unfair when it comes to giving everyone the same opportunity.

Let’s start things off here by explaining what we mean. The first part of the challenge was about winning canvases over with an interview — something that happens in a modified way in real life. If you’re walking into a tattoo shop with an idea, you probably want to consult with the artist beforehand to see if they’re right for you. After these canvases and artists were paired up, we then went into a process where their work was used to give artists an opportunity to compete for safety. This isn’t exactly comparable to the real world, given that if you’re an artist on the outside, you can show off dozens of tattoos to a client. Here, a small number of canvases had a chance to pick their artist of choice based on only one tattoo from earlier in the day — Take, for example, Laura Marie not getting picked and automatically having to compete in the final round to save herself. Her first tattoo was awesome. In this case it really came down to what the canvas wanted, so if they were looking for black and grey, they weren’t going to choose Laura because her tattoo was colorful and had nothing to do with whether or not it was marketable.

Ironically, a big chunk of this whole challenge blew up in the artists’ face, as Creepy Jason was the only artist saved from competing in that final challenge. The artists then had to do two tattoos in six hours, with each one being a different style to show a lot of what they could do. A lot of people had cool ideas and we’d argue that this was probably the strongest challenge of the season so far. Think about it — we got to see a lot of artists showcase a lot of different things and they did a great job.

As a matter of fact, it felt like Holli Marie went home because she was the only artist to have a tattoo with any apparent flaws … and they weren’t even that bad. You could’ve still made a case for eliminating Cam Pohl because he didn’t really follow the challenge — his two tattoos were different in subject, but not so much in style. They were just good enough for Cam to narrowly avoid being sent out … again. That’s a couple of close calls in a row for this guy and we’re starting to think he may not be long for this competition.

CarterMatt Verdict

What we got from Ink Master season 12 episode 12 was a chance to see one of the best episodes of the season, one with great creativity and artistic ability throughout. We get Holli’s elimination at the end, but she’s been a really good artist throughout the season! It was just one of those episodes that didn’t leave a lot of breathing room, and it’s hard to be upset with so many A+ tattoos being produced. While the first two parts of the episode weren’t necessarily a level playing field, at least everyone had a chance to fight for their lives at the end.

Related News Be sure to get some other insight on Ink Master, including more scoop about what’s coming

What did you think about Ink Master season 12 episode 12 overall?

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This review was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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