Big Brother 21 interview: Allison Grodner on David’s eviction, ‘for now…’

Big Brother 21 Cast - produced by Allison Grodner

We’re one day removed from the eviction of David Alexander on Big Brother 21and in many ways, we’re still stinging from it. It’s always awful losing someone so early in the game before the live feeds start, but at this point, we’re used to it.

The question that we’re curious about is this: Why send someone packing this early? That just so happens to be one of the three things we asked executive producer Allison Grodner in the first of what should be weekly interviews throughout the season! Check back in the weeks that follow each eviction for some more thoughts on the various ins and outs of the past seven days of the game.

Want some more Big Brother updates in video form? Then take a look at what we’ve got at the bottom of this article! Once you do that, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and view our Big Brother 21 playlist. There are new updates on the live feeds posted every day.

In addition to discussing David’s eviction (with a hint towards the future), Grodner also talks about casting Christie and Tommy and also the upcoming Whacktivity Competition, which will be featured on Sunday’s new episode.

CarterMatt – What went into the decision to do a premiere week eviction this time? I imagine it’s a double-edged sword; it creates a sense of drama right away, but then we lose someone interesting on David who doesn’t make the live feeds.

Allison Grodner – We wanted to raise the stakes and drama from moment one. A premiere eviction gets the game going from the start. That being said, we like all of our houseguests and hate to see someone completely disappear so quickly, so this season has a never been seen before twist…Remember, Julie said that David was gone, “for now….”

Christie and Tommy already had a familiarity with each other outside the game. Was putting them in the game together a way of trying to replicate the summer camp experience? 

We have put people in the house who know each other before. We liked what both Tommy and Christie brought to this cast as individuals and decided it would be an interesting layer to see this relationship play out in the house. They truly had no idea the other person would be there. There are definitely parallels to summer camp but that was not the primary reason.

I know you can’t say much about it, but what excites you about the new Whacktivity Competition?

It is always fun to have a mystery power loose in the house.  The Whacktivity competitions are not only new and fun to watch, they will unleash never before seen powers that could make a dramatic impact on the game.

Takeaways from this Allison Grodner interview

Both Julie Chen Moonves and Grodner have each hinted that there’s a chance David could return, so if you were a fan of his, hold onto that! Meanwhile, Grodner confirms that Whacktivity is going to be around more than one week — if it’s like some other early-season competitions, we’ll probably get at least one or two more beyond this week (but that’s just our speculation).

For more Big Brother 21 live feed updates in written form…

Check out what we’ve got over at the link here! Also, let us know what you think about the comments of Allison Grodner below. (Photo: CBS.)

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