Blood & Treasure episode 7 review: The romance and search heats up

Blood & Treasure season 1

This week’s Blood & Treasure took a slower but refreshing step in the episode that saw Danny and Lexi in Casablanca. The previous six episodes have really brought the action, however, “Escape from Casablanca” focused on Danny and Lexi’s relationship as well as Cleopatra’s next location.

This week Danny and Lexi must improvise to stay alive and out of jail when they’re stuck in Casablanca with both law enforcement and their enemies hot on their trail. As they learned in Spain, Cleopatra was moved to Casablanca, however, as soon as they arrived Danny and Lexi discovered that Interpol and Gwen froze their assets. As a result, Danny and Lexi ended up at a refugee camp where they found a doctor wearing a necklace based on a part of the treasure with Cleopatra. This leads the pair to come back into contact with Shaw who with Danny and Lexi meets the woman who designed the necklace. They discover that the counter in her home holds the outer sarcophagus of Cleopatra but not the treasures inside.

What made this episode quite different from the others was it put in focus Danny and Lexi’s relationship. From the early minutes of the episode the chemistry and tension was apparent. Now it’s always been there, but in this episode it was heightened to the point where we stopped and took note of how off the charts it was. It was also the first time the pair really started to trust one another. This was highlighted when Danny battled Carlo’s men while Lexi took on Gwen outside and the two escaped together without so much as apologizing to Gwen. They were in sync.

Towards the end of the episode they finally gave into one another, however, like most romantic stories the pair woke up in the morning to the prospect of a new start and were greeted with a reality that prevented it. Danny discovered that Lexi has been secretly working with someone else and the betrayal hurt him. Meanwhile, Danny’s rejection of her brought a tear to her eyes in the safety of another room. While the status of their romantic relationship remains to be seen, their professional partnership is shattered as their next location for Cleopatra looms.

In Paris, Simon continues his investigation into the Brotherhood, but his mission lands him in trouble and at the mercy of Fabi. Hardwick, trying to please, sings like a canary and tells Fabi everything we wants to know. However, Fabi convinces Hardwick that Lexi’s father wasn’t in the Brotherhood. The storyline ended with Fabi hinting that Lexi’s father may not have been killed by Farouk, but by the Brotherhood.

CarterMatt Verdict

Overall, it was strong episode that moved many storylines further. It slowed the pace down in order to give viewers more personal information about the characters to get us really invested in them rather than just the search for Cleopatra, and while that sometimes is disastrous, we believe it was a good move.

Blood & Treasure airs Tuesdays at 10pm on CBS.

This article was written by Samantha D’Amico. If you want to follow her on Twitter, you can do so at SAM_iamXO.

Photo: CBS

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