The Amazing Race season 31 episode 10 review: Always check the eggs
Also, the main mode of transportation for the first part of the episode was a tandem bicycle. The Detour involved either carrying eggs and cheeses over to a vendor (and over a pole-vault) or basically transporting a fake cow via tractor — and also up the side of a church. Like we said, we’re not sure that either one of these tasks were altogether authentic. One of the biggest challenges with both was simply a matter of getting there, since it was easy to miss the markers and the idea clearly was to get teams lost who were not properly paying attention.
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There was an added amount of stress here thanks mostly to the presence of a Double U-Turn on the other side. After Colin & Christie and Tyler & Korey finished the cow-hoisting challenge easily, they decided that they didn’t want to make any enemies. They also knew that Leo & Jamal would go after another team in Nicole & Victor. They were still upset over being targeted in the U-Turn vote and saw this as revenge. Plus, there was another issue — when you’re in third place at a U-Turn this close to the end of the race, you do need to give yourself an insurance policy. It was a smart move for them to do this and, after they did, Nicole & Victor went after Team Fun. This was bad, and it got worse for both of them after the fact.
For Nicole & Victor, they were exhausted after the first task — and after Victor made a mistake taking on too much of the physical toll of it. For Team Fun, they forgot to check their eggs at the other Detour. That pushed them both further behind.
What’s with this leg?
It was extremely short! The only other task after the Detour involved teams navigating through some various canals in the water — while there, the teams had to find some other boats to attach to their own and make their way to finish line.
Really, this was between Colin & Christie and Leo & Jamal — but then the Afghanimals struggled doing the same thing they always do in attention to detail. Colin & Christie won the leg and they did a really amazing job from start to finish. There was a moment where we actually started to think that Leo & Jamal were in danger of being eliminated, and it really was a little bit close for comfort at times.
Unfortunately for Team Fun, they couldn’t find a way to overcome a U-Turn and the mistake with the eggs. They did so well for most of the season but one slip-up can be enough to doom you on this show.
CarterMatt Verdict
One of the things that was surprisingly enjoyable about this episode was seeing how frustrated some of the locals were to all of the ridiculous Americans who were trying to navigate the canals and ruin their beautiful afternoon. Some were a little fun, and some were legitimately mad. While this wasn’t the most exciting leg of the show, it was really dramatic because of all of the different mistakes that the teams made over the course of the hour.
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What did you want to see on The Amazing Race season 31 episode 10? Be sure to share in the comments. (Photo: CBS.)