American Princess episode 4 review: Amanda has visitors at the Faire

american-princess-reviewWhen we first heard about American Princess we had really high expectations for this show. Not only was the trailer funny and charismatic, but we are Renaissance faire goers ourselves (for those of you who don’t know us, we are pretty big nerds), so to have a show that takes place there raised the bar in what we wanted to see. All expectations have been met so far and every week we find ourselves waiting for Sunday to roll around so we can dive back into this wonderfully kooky world. So what’s going on at the Ren Faire tonight?

Amanda embraces her role

Amanda hasn’t been at the Renaissance faire all that long (we are only 4 episodes in), but she has started to find her footing. Her biggest obstacle has been trying to win the Queen’s approval after getting off to a rocky start with her and without the Queen on your side you might as well go sit in the mud pit – which is pretty much what she did in the last episode when she threw herself in a mud puddle for the Queen to walk on. They may not be on the greatest of terms, but Amanda can breathe a little easier now as she really dives into her role. She’s been practicing her Faire speech, getting her costume on point and shaking her money maker for all the tippers!

Unexpected guests

Amanda gets a bit of a shock when she sees her friends show up at the Renaissance faire and instantly becomes nervous since she knows the world they come from and is worried about what they are going to think. Surprisingly, two of her friends dive into the spirit of the faire and have a wonderful time, but Callie isn’t having it. She thinks it paints women in a bad light and that all the women are being harassed by the men. Eventually it turns out that her own boss has been making her life miserable and while Amanda sympathizes with her, she feels the faire is different because women are making the choice to participate.

Eventually Amanda figures out that it was her mom who sent her friends there and the news isn’t good –  her sister calls and tells her that her mother has overdosed saying that Amanda has to go home to deal with this. We are guessing that her mother is somewhat okay.

The Brian and Juan connection

Brian has grown on us in a really wonderful way. At first he was set up a bit like he might be the villain of the show, but he’s really just a guy who is misunderstood and can’t find a way to fit in no matter how much he tries. We’ve seen him making stronger connections with the mud gang (they are hardly best friends, but the walls are breaking down) and he’s also started to have feelings for Juan the jug maker. With Brian being as awkward as he is every interaction with Juan goes as badly as you would think and Juan seems to be acting standoffish as many people would. As it turns out Juan has been acting this way because he has feelings for Brian too and they share a kiss! Love at the faire reigns supreme!

Speaking of love at the faire (or at least a roll in the hay), Amanda hooked up with one of the jousters in the horse barn. There are a lot of us out there that are already shipping her with David, but while David is getting busy with other people Amanda has decided to do so as well.

CarterMatt Verdict

This episode gave us a chance to dive into some of the supporting characters a little more as we saw with Brian’s love life and the Queen going on a pub crawl and drowning her sorrows in mead and we really appreciated getting an episode like this so early on in the run. Normally shows wait until the end of the first season or even season 2 before they give us supporting character stories, but we’ve been able to get invested in everyone early on and we are living for it.

We suspect the next episode is going to take us away from the faire and back to where Amanda’s mom is recovering and we are beyond excited to see how Amanda fits into that life again, even if it’s temporary.

What do you think is going to happen with Amanda’s mom? Leave us a comment in the box below and share your thoughts. (Photo: Lifetime)

This article was written by Jessica Carter and you can follow her on Twitter here.

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