grown-ish season 2 episode 13 preview: Junior appears in ‘You Decide’

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Next week on Freeform, you’re going to see grown-ish season 2 episode 13 come on the air. The title here is “You Decide” and through this chapter, you’ll have a chance to see Zoey try to get a little bit of help in the face of some recent relationship drama.

So what happens when you try to mask said drama? Well, there’s a chance that it could blow up in your face royally. That’s something that we discuss further in the official grown-ish season 2 episode 13 synopsis, which gives us a further sense of some of what is coming up:

To mask her true emotions, Zoey recruits her brother Junior to be her wingman at Titanium for a fun night out, ignoring the drama that is taking place around her. But that backfires when Junior makes an unexpected connection with one of Zoey’s friends and she’s left to face her emotions up front. Meanwhile, Nomi debates giving Paige another chance.

The one thing that is obviously going to stand out within this episode is the presence of Junior, who is going to bring some of his humor from black-ish over to this show. What does make that so interesting is that there is a chance to feasibly see a little bit of a different side to this character than we have before, and that is someone who is a little more liberated and certainly someone not looking for Zoey’s advice.

Unfortunately, Junior is clearly not too great at reading social cues and because of that, he doesn’t quite understand what Zoey is doing in having him spend some time with her. Getting a little bit too transfixed on some other people? Certainly not the best move in the world, and it definitely feels at the moment like it’s going to be a pretty significant source of conflict within this episode.

Rest assured that, in the end, we’re very much curious to see how all of this shakes out — to go along with this, we’re also curious in our own way to see if this could lead to Junior having more of a presence on this show in the first place. It’s probably somewhat of a struggle given that you do want to keep some of the younger talent over on black-ish; yet, at the same time it makes sense for some of these characters to grow up and evolve a little bit, even if that means them having to jump over to another show.

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What do you want to see when it comes to grown-ish season 2 episode 13? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember to come back soon for some more news. (Photo: Freeform.)

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