Animal Kingdom season 4 episode 2 video: The first Emily Deschanel scene
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Let’s get back to the sneak peek now, given that it shows Angela in quite the desperate state. She shows up to Smurf’s place, where it’s fairly clear that she is looking for Julia. Or, she wants Smurf to think that she is looking for Julia. What is kind of interesting about Angela at the moment that we don’t actually know how much she knows. Maybe she actually realizes that Julia is dead and she’s just trying to find a way to get into Smurf’s orbit — we know that she is an expert oftentimes in what is going on around her, but she’s also not clairvoyant.
Angela makes a good effort, claiming after learning that Julia is dead that she also wants to speak with Pope. Yet, in reality, Smurfs susses out that the one thing that she really wants more than anything else is cash. That’s why she hands Angela a little bit of it, seemingly as a way to make sure that she vanishes into thin air. Whether or not that works, however, remains to be seen. If Angela’s just out for money, don’t you think that she could come back if she knows that this is where she can get it?
The sense that we get from this preview overall is that Angela is someone who has fallen on some pretty hard times and has been out of the Cody family business for a while. Her not knowing about Julia is one piece of evidence of that; also, the way that she introduces herself to Smurf. This is going to be a fascinating run for Deschanel, mostly given the fact that it is such a different role from Temperance Brennan, who should played on Bones for many years. That character was enormously successful in life, and seemed to have a good sense of what her life was and what she wanted it to be moving forward. Angela, however, seems to be a complete and utter mess. She hasn’t figured out all that much at all, other than the fact that she wants to infiltrate the Cody’s now … maybe because she sees no other path forward.
For some more insight on this Animal Kingdom season 4 episode, just be sure to visit the link here now.
Meanwhile, let us know in the comments some of what you are hoping to see from Animal Kingdom tonight. We will be back after it airs with a full review. (Photo: TNT.)