Fear the Walking Dead season 5 EP on big Daniel Salazar reveal
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So what’s the problem here? It’s really so simple as this: Victor Strand is really the last person who wanted to see Salzar again. He’s not going to want to do it because of some of the stuff that the two have gone through … but he may still have to spend some time with him anyway. This could just be the way of things right now if Strand wants to actually help some of his friends.
So what is Strand going to do after seeing Salazar in the tape? For a little more information on that, take a look at what executive producer Andrew Chambliss had to say via Entertainment Weekly:
We love that moment where Strand thinks he’s going to get his chance to be the hero who saves the day and he takes out that tape label and I think the last person he ever thought would be on it would be Daniel Salazar. It’s really putting Strand in this position where he’s going to have to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. The one person who can help him, who then helps everyone on the other side of that mountain who crashed that plane, is the last person that Strand wants to see. And Strand is probably the last person that Daniel Salazar wants to see. What we’ll see is whether Strand can pull it together to actually face the man who he nearly killed and whether that man is going to believe a word Strand says about how he has changed.
If we want to make one key prediction for the future…
It feels obvious that Strand and Salazar are going to meet again. There’s no denying that if they don’t the story is less fun. We just wonder what that reunion is going to look like, and also if there is a way that you can actually integrate Daniel fully into the story again.
Also, how in the world does Daniel just coincidentally end up interacting with all of these characters? It’s almost like the guy is just magically drawn to some of these other people, really regardless of A) whether or not he likes them or B) whether or not he wants to spend some time with them. They’re just all naturally around each other, almost via a gravitational pull.
Want to read our full review for tonight’s episode?
Then be sure to head over to the link here in order to properly check it out!
What do you want to see when it comes to Strand and Daniel Salazar moving forward on Fear the Walking Dead season 5? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: AMC.)