The Bachelorette episode 2: Five Hannah Brown contenders to watch
For now, what we want to do is spotlight who, entering episode 2, are at least the most interesting dudes from the pack. Maybe they’re a total hot mess who will crash and burn, or maybe there is actually something there. Either way, it feels like we’re in for some fun times.
Beyond this article, remember to also check out the video below for some more insights on the premiere! If you enjoy this, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more information.
John Paul Jones – Is he this season’s recipient of the “congrats, you make it to week 3 just because of the producers” award? We do wonder, just as we also wonder why in the world Mr. Say My Full Name is somehow more interesting as a contender than farmer Matt Donald, who Hannah sent home week 1. (We’d throw in Joe the Box King here, but there was a little too much Saul Goodman there and not enough Jimmy McGill.)
Luke P. – How can you not include God Spoke To Me In the Shower Man? Everyone this season has such distinctive nicknames! One week in and we’re already baffled by this guy. Sure, he looks like just about every other notable Bachelorette bro from the past few seasons, but there’s also just something about him that makes us want to walk sloooowly away. Maybe it’s him not giving up his jacket to Hannah when she was cold; maybe it’s the whole shower thing, or the fact that he seems to refer to himself as good-looking. He’s too much of the popular dude in high school.
Cam – ABC = Always Be Cam? Someone needs to put this season’s resident rapper in a position at the network. Cam’s mostly notable in that he got attention at the After the Final Rose based mostly on effort, but we’ve yet to actually see how much more substance there is to the guy beyond that. He’s got some goofy potential, but we think that we’ve learned after so many years of this show that memorable entrance does not equal memorable run.
Jed – Hey, it’s a dude with a guitar performing a song for the Bachelorette. These guys always last for a while, and even if we remember virtually nothing else about him from night one, it almost doesn’t matter. We still feel incredibly good about his chances and there’s utterly no real reason not to.
Mike – He’s probably the most normal out of the five people we’ve written about here, mostly because he didn’t have some sort of crazy backstory or first-night antics. He just actually seemed like a decent guy with his head on straight trying to have an actual conversation with Hannah. Maybe he’s almost too normal for this show, but after one night he feels like the sort of person who will become an underdog for Bachelor and eventually end up in Paradise.
Who do you think is the most interesting contender entering The Bachelorette episode 2?
Be sure to share within the attached comments! Come back tomorrow night for some more thoughts, and for another video discussing all of the latest from the ABC series. (Photo: ABC.)