Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Who won Veto? (day 57)

Big Brother Canada 7

Today, the Power of Veto Competition came about in the Big Brother Canada 7 house and it goes without saying that this one is important. There are so few players competing, and we’re getting SO close to the end of the game.

For Adam and for Dane, it’s easy to describe the situation entering the competition. If one of them wins, it’s most likely that the other one is leaving the game. Mark and Anthony seem to be moving forward as a unit, and Kyra seems to be siding with them as Head of Household. Given that they hold a tiebreaker, they’ll be able to largely control what happens here … though they’ve probably already burned a bridge in putting Adam on the block. It wasn’t a great move for the perspective of preserving possible jury votes, and it’s also lost them the one person who may have had their back in the game.

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So, who actually ended up getting the necklace when the dust started to settle? It was … Adam! He has now secured himself in the final four, where he should have at least two different opportunities to earn himself a spot in the final three. Given that a competition threat is likely going home this week, that means that all he’ll have to do in the next Head of Household is trying to get rid of Mark and Anthony.

In the aftermath of the challenge, the #1 thing that Dane is already trying to do is work in order to get Anthony’s vote … though that seems unlikely since Anthony knows how close Adam and Dane are. It doesn’t benefit him at all to keep Dane in the game, especially since Mark doesn’t really have much of a chance in front of the jury. Anthony’s best-case scenario is going to the end with Mark, who has few jury friends and may not get many votes unless someone is incredibly angry at Anthony for whatever reason.

Really, the only hope that Dane has in our eyes is if they can find a way to convince Kyra to keep them, but that’s going to be hard given that Dane nominated them throughout the game and this is a potential opportunity for them to get a little bit of revenge. They don’t have any reason to get rid of anyone else since they haven’t been nominated in the same way. (Of course, that’s mostly because Anthony and Mark have not been competition beasts in the same way.)

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What do you think about the Power of Veto results today within the Big Brother Canada house? Be sure to share in the attached comments below! (Photo: Global.)

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