Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Nominations and chaos (day 56)

Big Brother Canada 7

The nominations are in tonight in the Big Brother Canada 7 house, and they are certainly explosive — but we’re not sure they are good.

Kyra decided tonight to nominate Adam and Dane for eviction, with the big rationale being that Dane is a target of theirs and nominating Adam ensures that he won’t win Veto and take Dane off of the block. Dane has nominated Kyra every single time that they’ve gotten power in the game, and Dane is also the sort of person who would nominate them again.

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The big mistake Kyra’s making here is nominating Adam since really, he’s been the one person who has had their back for the bulk of this season. Nominating him is a perfect way in order to lose a jury vote from Sam, especially when Anthony doesn’t really care about Kyra at all. Mark’s an easy target and we understand not wanting him up on the block, but nominating Dane and Anthony was the right choice here. That was the optimal way to ensure that Kyra kept Adam from losing it, kept Sam on their side as a possible jury vote, and also ensured that they got a big threat out of the game.

Yet, somehow, Anthony worked some of his Anthony magic again. The guy’s arrogance is off the charts and certainly is off-putting, but you can dislike the guy and still also respect the game that he is playing. It’s impressive to go this far in a season and not go on the block, especially when you are a big, physical dude.

We will see from here precisely what happens with the Power of Veto, as there’s certainly a great deal that can change based on that. Take, for example, if Adam wins. Kyra then has an opportunity to nominate Anthony, which would give them an opportunity to dramatically alter the course of pretty much everything.

Ultimately, there are only two people voting, and that means that there’s a good chance they could be a tiebreaker, depending on whatever configuration is determined.

Will everyone be okay on the other side of that? There was some conflict tonight with Adam after the nomination ceremony, but it seems like everyone’s cooled off and that calmer heads have now prevailed. We’ll see just how long that lasts.

If you missed it…

Earlier today, we shared our exit interviews with both Kyra and Estefania talking about their time in the game. If you want to check those out, you can do so over at the link here.

What do you think about some of Kyra’s nominations on Big Brother Canada? Be sure to share some of your thoughts in the comments, and check back soon for some other information when it comes to the series. (Photo: Global.)

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