Suits (Donna & Harvey) vs. Blindspot (Jane & Weller) – Crime Dynamic Duos 2019 finale!

Welcome to CarterMatt’s Crime Dynamic Duos for 2019! The goal for this tournament is pretty easy to explain: Recognizing some of the best crime fighters in all of television. The word “crimefighter” can at times have a loose interpretation, but for the sake of this tournament, we’re referring to it mostly as cops, lawyers, or investigators who do their best to take down some pretty bad people and fight to help others. They’re the sort of characters you typically admire, and they have an aspirational quality to them along with them being entertaining.

In today’s showdown, we’ve officially made it — the end of the road, and the final battle of the year. We’ve had a lot of fun running through these and seeing who voters are rallying behind the most this year — in this case, it seems to be a duo from a show that’s ending (in Donna & Harvey from Suits) and then a duo from a show in danger (in Jane & Weller from Blindspot). This show is about celebrating these pairs, but also the contributions of what they’ve brought to these shows. That’s why there is such an enthusiasm to see more of them.

If you’ve been around for past editions of Crime Dynamic Duos, then you know a thing or two about how this works — at the bottom of this article is a poll to vote for who you want to see advance! One duo will, and at the end of the month, we’ll officially crown the champion in all of their glory.

How voting works – Vote however often you would like! (Technical instructions for multiple voting can be found right above the poll.) We will keep this poll open until Tuesday, April 30 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time. At that point, we will announce the winner! We know that these final rounds do tend to go rather quickly, so we wanted to make sure that enough time here was given in order to ensure that you’ve got plenty of opportunities to pick your favorite.

The competitors

Donna & Harvey, Suits (#6 seed) – They started this tournament somewhat of an underdog — they’re not your prototypical crimefighting duo, given that most of the work that they do in order to take down bad people is done within either an office or a courtroom. They’re not out on the street, and they’re not often looking to get bad guys in prison. They’re just trying to cut them down a peg for some of their dirty deeds.

So what’s made them so strong throughout this tournament? Think about a dedicated legion of devoted Darvey fans, people who love both the partnership and relationship that the two characters share. A lot of this enthusiasm is probably larger than ever right now just due to the fact that this is the final season coming up, and these two characters are finally going to explore being romantically intertwined in a way that we haven’t seen before. There’s a chance at a fitting end to this story, one in which fans will celebrate for years to come.

Jane & Weller, Blindspot (#4 seed) – For fans of these characters, the hope here is mostly that we aren’t approaching the end of the road, especially in light of the news that the show’s going to be off the air for the remainder of May sweeps. This show has brought you a story of a beautiful partnership — one that they’ve luckily taken the time to embrace in the midst of all of the larger crazy stuff that’s happening at all times.

For Jane & Weller, they’ve found themselves in a position where they often have to wear many hats. Sometimes, they are detectives. Other times, they are tacticians. Then, they are basically as close to superheroes as someone can be without powers. They constantly find themselves in a position where they have to save much of the known world and through thick and thin, they’re able to pull it out. While their partnership’s had its highs and lows, there’s zero doubt they both trust and love each other.

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