Big Brother Canada interview: Estefania Hoyos on Dane’s gameplay, going to jury

Estefania Hoyos

Estefania Hoyos had the misfortune of being the first person evicted on Thursday night’s Big Brother Canada, and the moment came as a total shock to her. For most of the week, she’d been told that the plan was to get rid of Mark, and all of this was an intentional move to both lure her and Damien into a false sense of security. It worked, and it was only after the fact she learned that there was so much more going on behind the scenes with the Pretty Boys. Is there still more for her to learn, possibly in jury? Sure, but she at least knows that the alliance exists thanks to the goodbye messages. (She’s a step ahead of Damien in that regards.)

So how is Este feeling about her eviction now, and also Dane’s comment in his goodbye message that he was “99% honest” to her for most of the season? Check out some of what she said to us in our exit interview below.

Big Brother Canada live feed updates: You can get the latest spoilers about HoH in our live feed update video below! If you don’t want to miss out on our live feed spoilers then be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and remember to check out our official show playlist.

CarterMatt – How are you feeling about being a part of the jury?

Estefania – Being a part of the jury is amazing, however, it sucks that I’m not going to be in the final two. I still have yet to process the whole thing, but it’s exciting. It’s very exciting.

You were blindsided by your eviction. Would it have been easier if you knew in advance?

It would have been so much easier, especially coming from Dane. What hurts the most is that he didn’t tell me I was leaving. I think being blindsided by other people, who I knew didn’t have my back, would’ve been fine. I would’ve been okay with it. It hurts coming from Dane for sure.

Is there anything throughout the week you wish that you had done differently?

Honestly, in thinking back on it right now I don’t think that there is anything else that I could’ve done. If the guys’ alliance is true, they were very tight and they were controlling the vote. There wasn’t anything that I could have said that wouldn’t sent him out the door versus me.

Dane said in his goodbye message to you that he was 99% honest to you. Are you disappointed that he wasn’t 100%?

YES. I’m so disappointed because I was 100% loyal to him. I mean, we had conversations about the final three and I told him straight-up that I would never be able to beat him if I had won the final HoH and choosing him would be hard. But, I was honest with him and I expected him to be not only loyal to me, but also honest. I understand from a game perspective voting me out (note: Dane technically voted for her to stay, but he knew about the plan), but what I don’t understand is him not coming to me that morning or earlier in the week and talking to me about it.

If you could ask one question right now to a houseguest still in the game, who would it be, and what would the question be?

I would ask Dane why he didn’t tell me! (Laughs.) I would also ask Mark if he actually intended to get out Adam, or if that was also a big act?

How would you sum up your Big Brother Canada experience?

I think it was beautiful and magical! It was more than I expected. I made a new family and I love them all so much and I’m very thankful for the time I spent in that house.

Who do you think will join you next in the jury?

I think that based on the vote, maybe Damien or Kyra. They’re not in on the [alliance], but I do think everyone wants to take Kyra to the end. If someone’s ready to make a big move, hopefully Adam.

For more Big Brother Canada interviews…

Check out the link here! We’ve already got one there for Damien, and many others from this season.

Were you rooting for Estefania this season on Big Brother Canada? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)

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