Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH? (day 48)
Remember all of that momentum from people who were suddenly starting to like Adam? Well, here you go — he won Head of Household (no shock there), and he is planning on using it in order to do some pretty boring stuff. His plan, or at least per what he told Mark tonight, is to nominate Estefania and Damien … otherwise known as rinse-and-repeat from where things were before Adam came in and nominated Cory as the Secret Assassin.
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So why do this? It’s because Adam is the sort of person who is loyal to a fault, for better or for worse. In this case, it may be for worse since he’s clearly the biggest competition threat out of the entire Pretty Boys at this point, and it feels rather clear that he would be the first one to go of this group. If we were then, we’d want Adam out since he’s got a reasonable shot at winning with Sam already a guaranteed jury vote and with Kyra potentially heading there.
Given all of the tension that there’s been in the game as of late with Adam and Anthony, it’d make a little bit of sense in order to target Anthony since he’s so persuasive in the game. Yet, how much power does he really have at this point? He does have sway over Mark, so it might be worth nominating him for that and that alone.
Ultimately, everything this week comes down to what it’s always been for months: Nobody within this house other than Pretty Boys and some of their associates has really managed to get power. There have been chances for people like Este, Kyra, and Damien, but they haven’t been able to win HoH — and not all of the challenges have been physical. They’ve had some opportunities, but in the end, this is where we are and if Adam really wants to roll with his boys to the end of this game, that is precisely what he’s going to do. It’s great for headlines, but maybe not his game.
Want to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada?
Then be sure to visit the link here right now! We’re going to have our interview with Cory up shortly, so we highly suggest sticking around for that, plus some more of our latest thoughts about the feeds come this weekend.
What do you want to see when it comes to Big Brother Canada 7 this week? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: Global.)