Big Brother Canada 7 interview: Cory Kennedy on eviction twist, Adam’s game
Based on our new exit interview tonight, one thing feels abundantly clear in that Cory doesn’t have any love lost towards Adam over what he did — she’s a little more aware now of the full extent of what happened this season, and she’s certainly going to have a lot to think about in the jury house. Who else thinks she and Sam are going to have an interesting time in there?
Check out the full interview featuring Cory below.
CarterMatt – How are you feeling about being a part of the jury?
Cory – I feel very privileged to be a part of the jury — I’m glad to be a part of the finale and to help determine who the winner is. I’m proud of myself that I made it this far, especially with the mission that I was assigned after walking into the house late. Happy to be a part of the experience — kind of sad to be leaving now.
How do you feel in particular about being targeted in a twist?
Sucks. If you watch the season, I’m very much a competitor. I like to go head-on and I like to go at people toe-to-toe. In this case, the toes were at my heels. I don’t really have any respect for that, but it is what it is.
Why do you think the houseguests decided to evict you?
Honestly, some information was revealed in the goodbye messages — people were threatened by the relationship I had with Anthony, but of the people sitting on the couch, I was the one who performed the most. I was the biggest threat, so I can see that being [a reason] for people.
Because you were nominated because of a twist, was your campaign strategy different than it would have been if you were placed on the block by the HoH?
Yes, because the person that nominated me through the twist was different than the person who was HoH. It would’ve been different in that sense. Did I have the best campaign? I don’t know. I did tell some people (Adam and Kyra) in my final speech that I didn’t want their votes. I left swinging (laughs).
If you could ask one question right now to a houseguest still in the game, who would it be, and what would the question be?
I would ask Adam why he let Sam take the fall for him. He did the most cowardly thing by letting her go because of something that he did and letting me believe it.
How would you sum up your Big Brother Canada experience?
A whirlwind! It was super-fun. Even though it has been cut short, I wouldn’t change anything. I’m very fortunate for this experience and I would definitely do it again.
Who do you think will join you next in the jury?
I think that Damien will be joining me next, because I don’t know if Anthony is going to be able to pull out the next win — especially if it’s involving days because he sucks with days so bad. I tried to study with him, but all he wants to do is talk about himself (laughs). We study our days, and he’s like ‘day one, I walked in with the burgundy suit’ and I’m like ‘that’s not what’s important about day one, Anthony!’ (laughs).
Anyway, if Anthony [wins HoH], I can foresee Kyra or Adam going to Jury.
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What did you think about Cory’s eviction tonight on Big Brother Canada? Be sure to share in the comments. (Photo: Global.)