Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: The new HoH is… (day 41)
When the feeds came back, it was officially revealed that Mark is the new Head of Household! That’s fascinating, given that he is the one member of the Pretty Boys who has contemplated making a big move on the alliance. He recognizes that the way things are right now is probably not going to lead to him winning the game. If he flips, he may be able to get some respect among the jury. We’d argue that now is that the time that he really has to, given that if he exposes his old alliance, he needs to make new bonds — think along the lines of Cory, Kyra, or Damien. He needs to find a way to navigate the game moving forward.
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Mark has already discussed with Dane the idea of nominating Adam and Damien, with the idea behind this being that he wants to try and protect the Pretty Boys alliance by masking it. Then, if Adam wins and pulls himself off, Este can be a replacement nominee. We personally do think that this is a mistake if he wants to target one of them guys — because of the allies that all of the Pretty Boys have, it’s hard to envision any of them going if only one of them is on the block. There is only three votes that are needed this week for there to be a majority.
Given Mark’s desire to make a big move in this game, though, what he could be doing with everyone at the moment is offering a little bit of lip service. Because Mark’s vocalized most of his thoughts in regards to taking out the Pretty Boys himself in a confessional room, it’s possible that he could keep everything in and then surprise everyone at the nomination ceremony. That’s a little bit risky, though — if you want to build relationships in this game, you do have to find a way to clue other players in, if you can find a proper way in which to do so.
For some more news on Big Brother Canada…
Visit the link here to read a full review for tonight’s eviction interview. Tomorrow, we will have our first jury interview with Samantha, so be sure to check back soon for more on that.
What do you think about the new HoH winner within the Big Brother Canada house? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments, and remember to check back soon for some other news very soon. (Photo: Global.)