Outlander season 5 : More celebrations as filming begins
While there is a serious first-day-of-school vibe that comes with the cast making it back onto set, there is still that cognizance they have along with the producers / studio as to how important this is. It doesn’t represent production jumping through a time-warp so that episodes will be there any sooner for people, but it does at least represent a significant symbolic shift. It’s the knowing that cameras are rolling and that people are running lines and getting into character. It’s knowing that there’s no more speculating and waiting as to when this moment will be there. It’s happening!
Want to get some new Outlander video coverage right now? Then remember to check out our take on the recent table read in our video below! On the other side of watching this, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more news — and also take a look at our Outlander playlist so you don’t miss any of our updates.
For some celebrations of this momentous occasion, check out some new announcements below via executive producer Matthew B. Roberts, Sony executive Chris Parnell, and even series author Diana Gabaldon. We also have an image (which you can see over here) of Cesar Domboy, as snapped by Caitriona Balfe. Consider this a sign that Balfe and Domboy have both already joined Sam Heughan on set, and it seems as though Lauren Lyle has done the same judging from her own Instagram Stories message. There’s somewhat of a tidal feeling when it comes to Outlander cast members coming to set; they roll in and roll out and every time the water crashes to the sand, it brings new currents or in this case, different people. It will change and shift throughout the season, as very rarely do you have the same crop of individuals in every episode of the show.
The wait for season 5 is still ongoing though. While filming beginning this week is a signal that the cameras will be done rolling by roughly the end of December, we don’t have much confidence for the show itself starting to air before then on Starz. It’s hard to imagine the filming turnaround suddenly being any faster than how it’s been, especially since Outlander is a pursuit-of-perfection show. If the crew was just interested in getting these episodes out there fast, they would have already thrown the cast in front of a green screen and not bothered with the same amount of care in regards to costuming, makeup and locations. It could’ve been some stage production with a half-hearted effort across the board.
For some other information regarding Outlander season 5…
Then remember to head over here to check out our official summary for the first day of production — including some of what we’ve learned.
What do you want to see when it comes to Outlander season 5, and are you glad that we’re at this glorious point in regards to production? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: Starz.)