Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: The endurance HoH winner

Big Brother Canada 7

Who won tonight’s endurance HoH within the Big Brother Canada 7 house? Within this article, we come with news that may make some of you out there very excited…

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For the first time in a good while, we could really see some Pretty Boys sweating with this one: Cory is the new Head of Household! Sure, we’ve had women get power this season already including Sam and Chelsea, but they had connections to at least some of those guys and Chelsea didn’t see the forest through the trees until after the Veto Ceremony. For Cory, she’s already armed with at least a little bit of information, including that a lot of these big guys are still in the game.

Dane, in particular, seems to be very paranoid that he is in trouble, and he probably should be given that he is one of the biggest threats in the house. Where things get tricky is that Cory and Anthony are close and because of that, he may try to strongly influence her to not nominate two guys together and if that happens, it’ll be so much easier for some of the dudes to then get the rest of the votes that they need. She just needs to be careful — if she doesn’t want to nominate Adam, through up Dane and Mark. If she really wanted to ensure a guy leaves the house, she could … but we may not get that lucky.

What makes Cory so interesting, though, is that she and Damien are really close and we’ve long felt that Damien was a little more perceptive than he’s perhaps let on with people. There hasn’t really been someone completely on his side in power and because of that, maybe he hasn’t felt the need to share much. He and Cory both are intuitive enough to figure this out.

There are no guarantees within Big Brother Canada — we feel like we learned that long ago. With that being said, though, this is probably the most optimistic we’ve been entering a new HoH reign all season long. At least Cory is someone who seems like enough of a free thinker (if she can drift enough from Anthony) to make her own decision and not blindly go after someone who’s not actually all that much of a danger to her game. That’s what makes Sam’s goodbye message to Kiera so ridiculous tonight — don’t you think she’ll regret that after learning about the Pretty Boys in full?

For some more news on Big Brother Canada…

Be sure to visit the link here if you want some of the latest news and updates in regards to the game. With Cory in power, we may be getting more chances to talk about it than usual coming up over the next few days! (Photo: Global.)

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