Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Blood Veto frustrations
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Well tonight, the truth about the Blood Veto almost came out. After the Power of Veto Competition (and, after a ridiculously long segment about Kiki getting a special bed in the Have-Not room), we saw Kyra get a message in the Diary Room explaining the rules of what this power does. They’ve proclaimed in the game that they don’t really have any plans to actually use it … but Kyra’s followed this game for years. While they’ve certainly made many questionable decisions over the run of this game, do you really think that they would look at this power and turn their nose up at it? They’re going to do something, or at least we’re crossing our fingers for it.
Here’s the problem: Big Brother Canada didn’t finish the job! They spent a good bit of time hyping up something that they’re not going to deliver much more on until the next new episode tomorrow.
Based on what’s going on at the moment in the house on the live feeds, Kiki basically needs whatever help she can get. (Remember that Adam didn’t use the Veto.) She’s somewhat alone and doesn’t actually have a lot of allies other than Estefania, and much of the deck seems to be stacked against her. She hasn’t done a particularly-good job of campaigning as of late, but it’s also hard when so many other players are under the thumb of at least one person in the Pretty Boys.
The vote on Thursday is one of the biggest ones of the entire season, given that the more non-Pretty Boys number go home, the more clear it becomes that some of these dudes are going to run the table. Why wouldn’t you think that, given that nobody is really standing in their way anymore? They can get a straight shot to the finish line without hesitation.
For some more news regarding Big Brother Canada…
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What did you think about tonight’s Big Brother Canada 7, and the big reveal regarding the Blood Veto? Be sure to share in the comments! (Photo: Global.)