Big Brother Canada 7 interview: Chelsea Bird on eviction frustrations
So what does she have to say about her eviction after the fact? In our latest Big Brother Canada interview, Chelsea shares a few more details about her overall game + what she would have done had she stuck around a little bit longer.
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CarterMatt – How are you feeling about your eviction, now that you’ve had some time to think about it?
Chelsea – It’s disappointing obviously, but I really felt from the moment I got nominated that unless I won the Power of Veto, it was really over for me. I definitely had come to terms with it. It’s a game and it’s disappointing — I would’ve loved to play a little bit longer and a little bit harder, but I got got, so here I am.
Have you spent a lot of time thinking about what you could’ve done differently?
I have done a little bit of that, but it is what it is. Everything happens for a reason. There are things I could’ve done differently, but I don’t know if the outcome would’ve been anything other than what it was.
How hard of a time did you have managing some of the paranoia in the house, not knowing what people were saying about you?
It’s hard, especially in the beginning since you’re scrambling so much. Your paranoia is crazy, but for me, I felt there were people who I legitimately could trust based on a genuine connection with them. For me, it was really hard to believe that those people might have been going against me. It was one thing to watch it, and it was another thing to experience it — I will say that.
Let’s play out a hypothetical situation here — call it Chelsea Bird’s revenge. You stick around instead of Kyra and you win Head of Household. What do you end up doing?
I would have probably put up Dane and Mark and if I could, I would backdoor Adam — that’d be a risky move and be devastating for Sam, but if I could get out Mark or Dane, I would be happy.
Let’s talk about being on the block — obviously you knew you were in serious danger, but were you thinking a lot about what you would do if you stayed, or were you just in complete survival mode at that point?
It pretty much just comes down to survival. I really felt it was a done deal. I tried to shake things up and deflect the target onto Dane, but that didn’t work. Then, I had to backpedal. Even if I had outed the guys’ alliance — or my speculation on a guys’ alliance — to the girls, I wouldn’t have had the votes to stay. It felt really hopeless and frustrating.
For some more Big Brother Canada updates, including the latest from the live feeds…
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