Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Veto winner; blood Veto talk
If you missed it, Head of Household Sam yesterday chose to nominate Mark and then Kiera for eviction, with the primary idea being that she would target Mark and send him home. She’s aware of the fact that there is some sort of guy bond going on, even if she’s not 100% aware of it being a full-on Pretty Boys alliance. She wants to send a strong guy out of the game, but there is a HUGE problem with this in that Adam won the Veto. Yep, the dude won yet another competition and he is proving himself to be quite a beast at this. Because of this, he can now potentially remove Mark from the block, which would put Sam in an even tougher position. She could nominate Damien, which may end up being the move that she makes instead of nominating either Anthony or Dane, which she really should do if she wants to execute her ultimate goal here.
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None of this sounds altogether hopeful if you’re hoping for an underdog to actually win this game. One of the problems with this season is that with the dudes all dominating competitions, there’s not really a whole lot that the producers can really do about it. No matter how many twists you have, they’re a little useless if you don’t have opposition that can rise to the occasion.
This is where things get a little bit interest: Kyra has the Blood Veto, the coolest Veto in terms of appearance we’ve seen. However, there isn’t all that much information out there even still in terms of what it actually does. If Kyra can actually use it to remove a nominee and potentially put up her own, that could allow her an opportunity to make a far more significant move this week and try to get out someone who is a larger threat. The problem we have here is that Adam may not be eligible, she’s spent a TON of time with Anthony as of late, and even if Dane goes up, would he really go home? It would all depend on who he’s up against. Remember that Kiera and Estefania are close to him, which is one of the reasons why this season is so mind-boggling in the first place. Even if we may want to see the bro alliance stopped dead in its tracks, we’re also in a position now where there are not exactly all that many recourses to actually seeing them done away with. There aren’t too many options really available!
Related News – Be sure to check out some more news on the Big Brother Canada live feeds now!
What do you think about the Veto winner in the Big Brother Canada house this go-around? Share in the comments below! (Photo: Global.)