Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Is someone turning on the Pretty Boys?
What we’ve come to learn about Mark during his time in the game is that he’s always thinking — he’s not a perfect player, especially in terms of building emotional relationships, but he’s proven himself to be good enough to lurk in the shadows and not be targeted. At the moment, almost nobody wants to come after him.
Yet, Mark may be starting to think about making a HUGE move that puts a big target on his back sooner rather than later. In the house today, he claimed that Dane was a “dead man walking” in the event that he won Head of Household, and that eventually, he’d like to take out some sort of combination of Dane and then Anthony from the group. Why do this? There’s probably a part of him that wants to ensure that he makes a move before someone makes it on him — plus, he probably also realizes that Dane and Anthony could beat him at the end because they’ve got stronger relationships with people in the game than he does. We are at the point in the season now where you have to start thinking about it.
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The best Big Brother players are the fluid ones, and there’s a keen awareness these days that almost zero alliances run the table from start to finish. The Pretty Boys have kept Mark insulated, but he knows that he won’t win continuing to work with them. Now, we’re at the point where he needs to shift up and evolve his game … or at least consider it.
Is Chelsea still going home?
Absolutely. Go ahead and book that 100%. There’s no real recourse since she’s said so many different things to different people — she’s fought hard, but she’s never really had a consistent plan and because of that, watching her has been mostly akin to a snake eating its own tail. Kyra’s not really doing great stuff, but they’re just not threatening. They don’t win competitions and with Chelsea gone, they’re more or less a free agent within this game. This is why we are seeing people like Mark going ahead and starting to survey the remainder of the field — there’s a keen awareness that it’s time to move forward and look at other aspects of the game.
We’ll see if anything happens in dramatic fashion overnight to move the needle — we just can’t be that optimistic with this group of people, who really haven’t spent a lot of time doing anything to really shake up this game’s current state.
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