When will The Bachelorette with Hannah Brown start filming?
Personally, we’re game for a Bachelorette who is a little more vulnerable, significantly more candid, and is going to run the entire ship her own way. This should prove to be a funny season at times, but underneath the laughter and the occasional awkwardness, there will be someone who is genuinely interested in finding someone. This is her chance to make happiness happen … or at least get even more of America on her side.
Related The Bachelorette video – Check out more of our thoughts on the big Hannah B reveal at the bottom of this article! For some other information on the show, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube — also, take a look at our recent playlist for more.
Technically, filming for the next season of The Bachelorette is already underway, but officially production is going to begin tomorrow. You’re going to see a lot of drama, of course from the first night, including potentially 1) the person who gets really drunk and makes an idiot out of themselves and 2) the person who tries way too hard and puts a target on their back for the remainder of the season. Even if it’s not someone who is necessarily trying all that hard, they don’t really need to — it is so easily to vilify people within this world and we have seen that effectively play out time and time again over the years.
So is ABC worried about Hannah’s awkwardness from After the Final Rose at all? It doesn’t seem like it. Speaking via The Hollywood Reporter, here’s just a sample of what executive Robert Mills had to say on the subject:
Looking at the response, it feels like it was all over the map. I think some people thought, “Oh my gosh, how is this person going to be the Bachelorette when they seem to really not know what to say or where to stand or what to do?” And then there are people who said, “We’ve never seen this before and it seems endearing and charming.” And I was in that camp. I think it’s very easy to teach somebody how to pick up a rose or say a name, but you can’t fake the natural sort of charm and nervousness and everything that she had, and I thought that was really, really great.
So basically, Hannah’s going to be fine — also, you can’t forget that mostly, these shows are about the contestants. As long as you want to root for Hannah, it doesn’t really matter if you like every little thing she does or whether or not she’s awkward. This is a show about drama and chaos, with a little bit of love thrown in.
For some more thoughts on The Bachelorette and the big finale from earlier this week, we suggest that you head over to the link here.
What do you want to see from Hannah’s The Bachelorette?
Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: ABC.)