Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Chelsea’s next move
Of course, with this win in mind, Chelsea now has decisions to make … though it doesn’t feel like she’s making them from an especially large group. Kailyn’s been the subject of some blow-ups and some drama as of late and it clearly feels like she is in the crosshairs of most of the dominant alliance. Yet, so is Damien, a perceived threat and someone who has voted with the other side of the house at times.
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Based on the footage we’ve seen, for the time being Chelsea is looking at targeting Damien potentially as well as Kiera with the nominations — both have went in and promised her the world, not that you probably expected anything different from decent players. (Maki, as much as we enjoyed watching him, didn’t really fit into that mold.) Kailyn could end up being a solid backdoor option and something that could be really considered.
At the moment, though, we don’t foresee this as one of those HoH reigns that’s really all about taking out a particular target; instead, it’s about trying to find a way in order to just get rid of someone on the other side of the house to keep the momentum going strong. If there was ever a time for that Blood Veto to enter the house, this is probably it.
Is this season delivering for everyone?
It’s been a little bit tough as of late, in between one alliance steamrolling the other, losing some great characters, and also somewhat-questionable twists including the HoH not being able to play in Veto Competitions this season. We’re also just concerned about some of the cast — Adam and Sam have been difficult to watch and a lot of their energy has bled into some other people. We also don’t think that power really does some like Mark altogether well and there just aren’t a lot of roadmaps for the underdogs to make it far into the game.
What we’d remind you of now is this: Big Brother Canada season 2. In that season, it looked like a dominant alliance was going to wreck havoc on the game; yet, a few HoH reigns changed everything and Andrew’s alliance completely fell apart. There is still a chance to see that happen, but it probably needs to right around the start of the jury since otherwise, it could be too little, too late and we’ll be heading towards a slog at the finish line.
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What do you think that Chelsea should do with her powers as Head of Household? Share right now in the comments! (Photo: Global.)