Shadowhunters season 3 episode 13 review: Clary, Jace’s search for answers; wolf wars

Shadowhunters season 3 spoilers

Shadowhunters season 3 episode 13 started off on a slightly happier note than we’ve seen as of late, mostly because Clary was actually back in New York City. No matter how hard things get, it’s always going to be easier for these characters when they are together.

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So, with Clary and Jace together, what did the two try to take on? Think in terms of her latest mark. She and Jonathan are still linked and while she may hate it (everyone would hate it), it doesn’t seem as though getting it removed and breaking the bond is going to be easy. She seems to have uncovered enough evidence that it can be pulled off, but that’s going to take some time. It’s also going to take some experiments, and some of them could prove painful since she’s already learned that trying to burn it off doesn’t quite work.

There was a nice moment or two for Clary or Jace in the midst of the story tonight but, unfortunately, the romantic bliss was briefly interrupted by a message being inscribed on her arm: “I miss you.” Yep, it’s 100% clear that Jonathan is just as creepy as always! France hasn’t quite deterred him with that. Clary has Jace, but she absolutely has some other big problems coming her way soon enough.

So what happened elsewhere within the Shadow World tonight? Take a look…

Izzy and Alec team up

At the end of the last episode, Izzy gave Simon her blood in order for him to stay alive following the Mark of Cain ritual. In the process of that, though, she retriggered the addiction that was previously within her. For much of this episode, a mission for her to curtain those cravings and ensure she didn’t fall back was put into action, and she had plenty of him to ensure she was safe. Her struggles were Alec’s struggles, which in turn were everyone’s struggles.

While Izzy was still dealing with the aftereffects of that, she and Alec found themselves taking on another mission, as well — trying to figure out a way to uncover a devastating secret when it comes to the treatment of Downworlders within a prison. What they potentially uncovered tonight was shocking but, in turn, their dear ol’ mom wasn’t altogether clear on having them pursue it further. In her mind, it was bad news for them to keep pushing for this — or really anything that was going to cause them some other problems down the road.

Pack problems

Without Luke running the show, the state of the pack was in utter disarray. That’s why Maia chose to step up as the new Alpha, in order to ensure that the pack stayed together. In doing so, though, she realized that she was going to have to take on some other challenges — including the ending her relationship with Simon. Hasn’t the guy been through enough? He almost died, he’s still trying to get his bearings, he thought Clary was dead for a while, and now he’s heartbroken.

To make matters worse, there’s also Heidi still out there, willing to cause some more problems in his life. She’s not out of the picture even if everyone wants her so far out you can’t see her far in the background. It’s too bad that some of her actions were, in particular causing problems with the Preator, who were intent on trying to track her down.

Let’s get back to Maia now, though, since the episode ended in a pretty tenuous spot for her, stuck in a restaurant freezer, hoping to survive in the midst of an attack. There have been some problems with the Praetor but through the end of this episode, it was pretty clear that those problems were accelerating.

CarterMatt Verdict

Shadowhunters season 3 episode 13 didn’t contain the big, world-changing surprise that we’ve had the first two weeks. Instead, it picked up on some of the other stories that were left out over the first two episodes this year in between Heidi’s whereabouts, Luke and Maryse getting closer, and Jace and Clary trying to find a way to ensure that they found normalcy in their relationship once more.

For a look ahead Check out a preview over here for the next new episode!

What did you think when it comes to Shadowhunters season 3 episode 13? Be sure to share right now in the comments! (Photo: Freeform.)

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